Central Christian School
Logo details
This bold, academic logo incorporates a cross inside a breastplate (shield) shape to quickly identify the Christian School of "The Conquerors". This Fort Wayne PK-8 School keeps the "cross" central in its education while offering top-notch academics and sports. The breastplate is described in the Bible to indicate righteousness; which protects the life of anyone wearing it. Simple, yet dynamic: the characteristics of a classic logo.
- Client's Website:
- http://www.centralchristianschool.com/
- Uploaded by:
- PinPoint Creati...
- Uploaded on:
- Fri, 12/16/2011 - 15:34
Designer info

- Designer(s):
- PinPoint Creative Group
- Designer's Company:
- PinPoint Creative Group
- Designer's Website:
- http://pinpointcreative.com/
Additional images