ErinsSonicYouth | Sat, 05/12/2018 - 22:30
Brief from client
I'm branding, from the ground up, a digital marketing studio that I will be working with.
We want to match the vibe of the older, historic city we live in, while still having a sophisticated touch. Both the owner and I said "vintage magic show" when we were talking about inspiration.
It is all hand done type except for the "and" and "co". So let me know how this works.
I didn't comment on your previous posts but this is definitely a step in the right direction. Also I'd like to see it without all the fancy treatment.
I think there are still some details that need to be fine tuned, some curves here and there. Also I think you should give "hand" the same look as "co". That will make "show" and "tell" pop a little more and generally gives the whole thing some more depth.
Really cool job overall.
This is looking really cool- I think the curves on your S need some love. And I'm still not sold on "and"- especially the bigger N.
Really great work, just the "N" in "and" is killing me.
Pretty good.
Still needs fine-tuning. Its not as obvious now with the effects, but designers will pick you up on minor tweaks.