Arhiva de Arhitectura
O colecție unică de planuri și schițe realizate de vechii arhitecții care au schimbat aspectul României.
Arhiva de Arhitectura este un produs al editurii Istoria Artei.
A unique collection of plans and drawings made by ancient architects who changed the look of Romania.
Archive of Architecture is a product of the publishing house of Art History.
designer website;
Download the vector logo of the Arhiva de Arhitectura brand designed by in Adobe® Illustrator® format. The current status of the logo is active, which means the logo is currently in use.
- Website:
- Designer:
- Contributor:
- Cristian Gache
- Vector format:
- ai
- Status:
- Active Report as obsolete
- Vector Quality:
- No ratings
- Updated on:
- Mon, 05/13/2013 - 16:21