Flipper was a show about a game ranger named Porter Ricks, and his two sons, Sandy and Bud. The show centers around a precocious pet dolphin, named Flipper, and all their adventures. The show ran for three seasons, and they stopped making new episodes in 1967. The series was a spin off of the feature film "Flipper" in 1963.
Download the vector logo of the Flipper brand designed by in Adobe® Illustrator® format. The current status of the logo is active, which means the logo is currently in use.
- Website:
- http://www.tv.com/flipper-1964/show/10172/summary.html
- Designer:
- unkown
- Contributor:
- Eli
- Vector format:
- ai
- Status:
- Active Report as obsolete
- Vector Quality:
- No ratings
- Updated on:
- Mon, 09/01/2008 - 04:31