I created this logo for the logo of the atmosphere of a hospital or a beautiful environment. This concept originated from many of its plants and grass and sunshine. green on the left is the application of grass or reeds, while the color is golden yellow to the application of sunlight.
I include some applications that support this logo.
colors above are reflecting the environment and atmosphere, creating the colored logo.
You know, at first, I wasn't too sold on this (the whole thing just screams "church" more than it does "hospital") but after seeing how you implemented it on the ambulance and outdoor signage, I think it might just be growing on me.
For the record, as a Red Cross volunteer, I can tell you that the cross you're using in that logo might have to be removed, thanks to efforts of the Geneva Convention and the ICRC. Just a heads up!
I still think it looks very "spiritual" but I do like where you're going with it. Nice job!
I think it works, but there are couple of things that bother me a little:
1. In small sizes the thinner leafs or whatever they are start to disappear.
2. The leafs are too curvy and it's hard to understand what they are.
3. The rounded corners of the cross are strange. I think it doesn't fit well with the rest of the logo.
I like it a lot. Maybe there's too much wings on the symbol.
i like it but it does look more church than hospital or rescue