ad Design Center
addesigncenter | Thu, 05/17/2012 - 02:04
Brief from client
Simple yet elegant. A stamp/mark in today's world!

ad Design Center is a small agency for print and multimedia web designs. The design studio is also known for its Photo retouching and photography. Ad Design Center is a fast growing business with much to look foward to in the next few years. Founded in 2009 by Armando Diaz, he is the companies CEO/Art Director.
simplicity is good, but watch out for the similarity with Dick Clark Productions and ABC television.
yet place for better, as 2423 media said going too simple may go too similar with other stuff. You can try with giving some particular note, a line style of itself or something.
I like it although it took me a while to read the "ad" letters. Can you guide people with a test below using the same font? How about some colours?
still dont know...
i quite like that it looks like a persons face snorkelling...
think that "a" and "d" would benefit from colour to move away from snorkelling face.
Muy buena la idea...
it´s seen like a diver