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gigi866 | Wed, 06/20/2012 - 22:07
Brief from client
Inkers: Hand painted shoes, paper wallets and design.
Don't get the snail at all or it's color in the overall color pallet. I would rotate the "K" a little to remove the upper left snippet of the background shape as well as the upper right corner of the "R".
This font looks like one I've seen on "". Its okay to use those fonts, just tweak it to make it yours somehow. I don't understand the snail either.
The colors are fine but it really has nothing to do with what the company is described as. The font, I think "new facebook" is too child-like. If you are going for ink then maybe try using a squid instead of a snail because they do ink.
Don't get the snail at all or it's color in the overall color pallet. I would rotate the "K" a little to remove the upper left snippet of the background shape as well as the upper right corner of the "R".
This font looks like one I've seen on "". Its okay to use those fonts, just tweak it to make it yours somehow. I don't understand the snail either.
The colors are fine but it really has nothing to do with what the company is described as. The font, I think "new facebook" is too child-like. If you are going for ink then maybe try using a squid instead of a snail because they do ink.