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Lamac Hotel Identity

Brief from client 

Lamac Hotels, a South Sudan based hotel group asked for an identity to be developed. A unique yet simple logo that could be carried across all collateral.


saraqroxy's picture
165 pencils

I don't mind the symbol- it's simple, kind of elegant, (definitely been done before, but I don't think that should be the end-all-be-all reason to toss something) and I don't mind the main font either.

The subtext though, the subtext I'm not loving. Or at very least I don't like the small glyphs on either side. MAYBE one of them, but having both there looks (to me) cluttered and unnecessary. I'd play around with a slightly different font for the subtext, and then try either a different glyph OR take the glyphs away altogether and see what it looks like!?!?

(Also- are you stuck with those colors?) I'm slightly confused as to why the font is this nice rich brown and the symbol is kind of a... less attractive brown...!?)

Version history

  • Version 1

    • I No votes yet.
    • S 100%
    • T No votes yet.
    • C 0%