Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.
Joe White | Fri, 03/15/2013 - 05:26
Brief from client
"I was wondering if you could help.
I currently run an online men's clothing and accessories shop - ..."
this is my favourite one, its simple and very effective, i just dont think you need the umbrellas, i found it hard to tell they were umbrellas at first sight. I dont think you need all the fancy extras. Infact this is one of my favourite logos of yours. P.S im loving the animation. I also prefer the bold sans font to the skinny serif font. Great Great Work once again Joe!
I think the next steps for this logo are to simplify everything, Clients more interested in neat and tidy designs. So will need to bring these all back a bit.
Will loose the umbrellas!
To me, after effects is the Photoshop of animation. But flash is the illustrator of animation. Flash you can get some really nice hands on effects (Which do take forever, So worth it)
Used to do some nice stuff in AE though. Was amazing when I found out I could take Flash movies, converted to QuickTime, to import into Photoshop.
I think HTML 5 will cause a lil buzz to animations again, but HTML 5 doesnt have the same fluidness as what Flash has.
A sprinkle of side tracking.
this is my favourite one, its simple and very effective, i just dont think you need the umbrellas, i found it hard to tell they were umbrellas at first sight. I dont think you need all the fancy extras. Infact this is one of my favourite logos of yours. P.S im loving the animation. I also prefer the bold sans font to the skinny serif font. Great Great Work once again Joe!
I think the next steps for this logo are to simplify everything, Clients more interested in neat and tidy designs. So will need to bring these all back a bit.
Will loose the umbrellas!
To me, after effects is the Photoshop of animation. But flash is the illustrator of animation. Flash you can get some really nice hands on effects (Which do take forever, So worth it)
Used to do some nice stuff in AE though. Was amazing when I found out I could take Flash movies, converted to QuickTime, to import into Photoshop.
I think HTML 5 will cause a lil buzz to animations again, but HTML 5 doesnt have the same fluidness as what Flash has.
I like it. Minus animation and umbrellas. Sick.
i think its great. I perfer the sans serif look.
i think its great. I perfer the sans serif look. Maybey a serif on the "of"