wedding accessories
daiglebf43 | Mon, 07/08/2013 - 14:34
Brief from client
Weddings are the earliest step for loving lovers to start their eternally together. It is the long anticipated point in time of the couples who would like to finally say “I do” to each other. This is an experience in which a lot of people really like to participate in as they want to see the bride walking on the aisle happy yet teary-eyed, while her groom feels fidgety waiting for her. Celebrating a wedding is expressing different types of sentiments and mixed feelings
This is not a promotion platform!!!!
First: Don't put ".com" in your logo. Everyone on earth already can figure out how to find you.
Second: Separate the word "top" from "weddings" for legibility.
Third: Your w looks like an m. Work on how it looks.
I like the hearts.
Don't bother commenting, this is just a spam.
Well it looks like shit anyway, unless a couple of "Care Bears" are getting married. Perhaps in California.