Orchid resort 2
Brief from client
This is a logo for a beach resort in South East Asia. It will be quite a classy resort with bungalows ranging from $50 - 70 per night. It is a beachfront resort with a bar and restaurant and many activities. We need to come up with a logo that has these elements ingrained inside.
This is a logo for a beach resort in South East Asia. It will be quite a classy resort with bungalows ranging from $50 - 70 per night. It is a beachfront resort with a bar and restaurant and many activities. We need to come up with a logo that has these elements ingrained inside.
Please tell me what you think of the flower, the font, the colours and the overall feel and suitability of the logo.
Your help is greatly appreciated and assists in the next step towards realizing a huge dream for many people.
Thank you
So far i like the design i do however think the orchid symbol needs some work, it feels too thin and heavy at the bottom. but over all i like the comp.
I like the composition and the font you used. The shape of the orchid is appealing but, as Stephen mentioned, it is too thin. I think you need to work on the color more as well. Parts of the orchid disappear, especially when it's scaled down and you can see that in the Version History thumbnail on the right side of this page. You might even want to try just using one of the shades of pink/magenta.