Bajistock | Wed, 09/17/2014 - 20:10
Brief from client
General logo creation, for no specific company.
Looking for critiques on my style of design, your wisdom is much appreciated. :)
Fixed the size difference between the symbol and the text. I've sized it so that the words are the same height as the edges of the pentagons.
I also ensured the spacing between the symbol and the text is the same margin between the letters of the word.
Evened the spacing between the pentagons, I think it is looking better.
I did a search for actual photographs of reptile eyes, and found a lot of them have a green "glow" outside of the pupil, with the black pupil in the center. I incorporated this into the logo instead of just having a boring black shape as the center point.
Thoughts? :)
Although I like this version without the gradients better, It would appear your logo is getting bigger especially since you scaled the text to fit your logo. It seems like there is too much going on now. And this might be a personal opinion but i would give the eye a bit more space between the white its pushing the edges too much into the comfort zone. Keep it up!
Thanks for the tips!
Tweaking the logo now.
Everyone is so helpful!