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BC Graphics DFW

Brief from client 

eps file available

This a small family owned business located in the Dallas - Fort Woth area (Texas - USA)


xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

There doesn't seem to be any unity within the piece. The typography is superfluous and over-decorated, with the exception of "graphics." There is far too much space between the diamonds and the outer text. Also, your line beneath "graphics" doesn't match the curve of the type. There is also a centering issue with "BC" and your circle.

Frankly, I think a revision would go a long way. The circular seal look could work, but you have to pay extra attention to detail. Good luck.

Waffles's picture
233 pencils

If they are in Dallas, why are they calling themselves British Columbia Graphics?

Perhaps they moved there from Vancouver?

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

I'm guessing they're family initials.

Waffles's picture
233 pencils

Yes, but it would be like calling your company 'DC Legal Services" when your are in Florida.
Sure, DC may stand for Duncan Carlson, but...

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

There are many things BC could stand for. Why would it be only British Columbia?

Waffles's picture
233 pencils

I googled BC. I made it to page 16. Everything was still talking about British Columbia by that point.

It just makes it a poor choice for a name based on initials. If your initials are FL then don't named your business FL Igloo Systems, even if you live in Jamaica. Don't call yourself USA's (Uncle Salvador Adams) hot-dogs and expect people to not get confused when you slam the Spanish Flag all over your hot-dog cart.

It will confuse people. That was my general point there. I concede that many people who live in Texas will have no idea what a British Columbia is, still google the name of your company before you register it.

It reminds me of the lovely local book society near my town that used initials to name themselves and didn't google their name. Basically, they are the *The Sound someones balls make when they slap someone else in the face* Book Society. I haven't the heart to tell them.

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

First google search result: BC (before Christ)
Second result: BC comic strip.
Third result: Boston College.

For me, "British Columbia" wasn't even mentioned until the third page. So I definitely think there's room for interpretation. Plus, BC is a harmless enough set of initials. Could have been worse, it could be BS.

Waffles's picture
233 pencils

I forgot all about BC. Perils of living there.

My initials *are* BS. I use it to great effect! :D

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Well I guess it depends on where you are from. From a French perspective, when I see BC, I don't think of British Columbia.

But you might have a point if you live in North America.

Waffles's picture
233 pencils

I live in BC. My google might be slightly skewed. :D

pablov's picture

Hey guys I revamped the logo. It's a small family owned business. A division of Brainsick Creations (BC). Thank you all!

Version history

  • Version 1

    • I No votes yet.
    • S No votes yet.
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.
  • Version 2

    • I No votes yet.
    • S No votes yet.
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.