IM creative
MatthewW | Wed, 12/31/2014 - 17:02
Brief from client
project as an amateur designer for school. It's the first initial of my partners 1st name and my 1st name, followed by creative because it's for an imaginary design/animation company. please provide feedback!!!
Couple issues the "I" needs to be lower case if going to use the quote bubble over should match height of the other letters. The colors should start at black and white and the : i don't understand why you have it also the font is ugly and simpleton for type face logo. the kerning of letters is good
Trouble is, it doesn't say 'i'm creative' visually. It's contradictory. The speech bubbles are way too small to be legible when reduced and although they can offer communicative connotations when used in the right way, I don't think that they do here.
I think that you need to get back to basics with paper and pencil and get lots of ideas down in order to work it down to an effective solution to the problem - which in your case is to visually portray yourself as being creative. Shawali posted a great video on a different post which offers great insight into how to go about designing with a problem/brief in mind. Check it out and good luck ;)
I'm just being honest because you want critique by posting on the site... I would probably start completely over. The name idea is a bit cheesy and the logo is unbalanced and has little contrast or interesting things to set it apart. But keep trying! Good luck in school! :)
I won't be as hard as the previous comments, which have valid points.
But I like the idea of the initials. Maybe "creative" is a bit bland, though. Maybe try to find something else, à la "I'm Groot!" =) Remember that a logo shouldn't be as informational as it should leave an impression.
Now, you need to get rid of these squared bubbles. They don't really serve any purpose. With an all caps font like this, you don't even need to dot your I's.
Is this a custom made typography? It desperately needs some fixing. Most of the characters are narrow, except of the C. The loop of the R goes way too low, it should more or less be at the same level than the central arm of the following E.
Keep it up and post some more stuff!!