MATERal Group
Brief from client
Group of Central European Small and Middle sized Enterprise Information Centers. The target market is in Hungary (national colors are red, white and green)

In regions of Central Europe widespread use of Latin words are frequent. The root of the brand is MATER, the Latin "mother", the "al" is only a word tag to make unique. Also has the similarity with the word "material", which refers to the material thinking what is popular among CEOs. When we talk about our brand we should describe the difference of the word "material" and the brand "MATERal" and it is effective in business.
The colors refers to the renewable resources and natural ways what is one of the main topic, the red dot can be the customer/partner in care of our Group, or fetus in the womb of nature.
The shape of the gradient on text refers to economic growth with bright outcome (shown on the "al").
First version is created in Corel Draw back in 2008 (,
second version in 2012.
The main site of the company:
You forgot the other side of the symbol.
I fixed it for you.
your symbol looks like a sushi :O the font doesn't look good, so does the gradients (stay away from gradients most of the time)
rofl waffles
This seemed more like a martial arts school and union made Waffles look like a woman's breasts ;)