Brands of the World™ an All Creative World site
Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.

pc place

Brief from client 

A logo that is clean, simple, and unique for a general PC shop that does repairs, training, and other PC needs. The company is a new building, new name, and the colors are dictated from the colors that went into the inside of the building.

Tweaked without going to a whole new idea. The connections are thickened to let it be read from further away, the colors were livened up, and the font was switched away from Harabara.


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Still not a fan. What strikes me is that this logo looks very dated. It might have worked in the 90's but today it's way behind what's being done for computer/hi-tech related businesses.

If you want a top notched logo, you can't bypass a serious amount of research about what trends, existing logos relating to the same field, etc...

Good luck.

Jakewins0's picture
2 pencils

Thank you for the feedback. At this point, the client wants this imagery, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place (granted, I put myself there) so I'm trying to make an idea as good as it can possibly be with changes that I wouldn't need to pass by the client again.

Jon Askill's picture
52 pencils

This makes my soul cry :'(

I'm again with Shawali 100%.

At least don't have it in 2 slightly different blues. Have the colours obviously different or obviously the same, but not so indecisively close to each other.

If it were me, i'd work behind the scenes to come up with a idea/logo that surpasses this one... for both yours and the client's sake. It's in both of your interests to come up with an effective solution. The information/inspiration is all out there and you MUST do it.

dionisdei's picture
57 pencils

The difference from the previous version is just too small. Here's a little research suggestion: make a web search on these words "computer company logo" and observe the shapes and colors they have, maybe you'll be inspired to create something fresh and hopefully different from the previous versions. Good luck!

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