Khaya logo design
Aliza | Wed, 07/22/2015 - 05:01
Brief from client
Logo for a freelancer with a small home studio. The studio does graphic design, copywriting and other creative work.

This is a logo for my own studio :). I always find it difficult to design for myself and would appreciate good feedback.
Khaya means 'home' and I wanted the logo to the reflect this setting. The little branch was inspired by the branches with berries outside the studio window. I also wanted a design that was less formal, but stylish and modern.
I am not sure about colours yet, but am thinking of a watercolour texture, as I do art teaching as well and generally love the feel of it.
This is beautiful - love it :). I look forward to the colour version, although it works perfectly in black.
Only thing i'd say is that the 'creative studio' subtext could be 10% bigger i.e sizewise (not alignment-wise) - spanning from the start of the 'K' to the end of the 'A'.
I agree, this is quite nice but the subcopy needs to be either larger or kerned wider with more space between the letters. I would also alter the shape of the second "a" slightly so it isn't exactly the same as the first (this would make it look more convincingly written instead of typed with a font).
Good work here, just a few minor tweaks and I think you've got it. I'd really like to see the watercolor treatment when you get to that point.
That's a very good point about the second 'a'...
Thanks for the valuable and helpful comments! I will definitely keep them in mind when I do the fine tuning,