EuroAtlantic Airways
JBRSA | Thu, 08/13/2015 - 00:14
Brief from client
The client wants a remake of the current logo, keeping the idea and most colors.Current logo:
The client wants a remake of the current logo, keeping the idea and most colors.Current logo:
hmm, Well from the old logo you did a swell job bring it into this decade.
I like the symbol on the left it looks clean and kind of like a air plane wing from some perspective.
I just am not to fond of the font you chose, it seems like a 'kiddish' font hitting puberty, it is trying to to be professional font but it just hasn't quite reached its bah mitzvah.
Anyways enough word play. I think you should try an find a better find to follow suit with your logo, something to maintain constancy with sharper edges.
The bottom font is too thin of a weight as well, it doesn't carry well. It is a airline after all; so let the logo be loud and proud about it.
I also think the words sandwiching 'Atlantic' are a little to close for comfort.
Overall, you are on the right track and compared to the old one you are aeons past a improvement.
Take some of my thoughts into consideration and keep on designing; good work.
The color is good. It's modern but for the symbol and font don't really work. When I say symbol I mean it's not cohesive nor balancing with the font. It should give me the impression that the symbol is the tail of the plane while the font is the rest of the plane including cockpit.
The symbol's edges are also too flat/sharp and should be slightly more round or curvy like a plane.
The angle in which all three shapes meet is too steep and spacing between them is not consistent.
Look up Ethiopian Airlines and see how they used it. I like that.
Unfortunately I must keep the struture of the old logo... But I will try to improve the typography.
Your username just made my stress levels rise for a minute there :) It fits the formula for someone all of us would like to forget.
Yup, I got scared for a few seconds when I saw the OP screen name. But then he's been polite and generally not crazy, so we're fine.... For now... =)
I'm sorry, but this is not working at all. It's a slight improvement from the original logo, but there's still a lot to do.
The choice of font isn't bad, but the composition is very cramped and complicated.
The symbol is simplistic and not really good looking. The colors are dull and lack contrast.
Spend a few hours looking at existing airlines logo and a few more sketching.
This looks more like a cruiseline to me for some reason. Maybe because of the colors, which I actually don't mind.
I think you just need a composition overhaul. The shape is a bit uninteresting, and seems like you're hanging on to the old version too much. Was it a client-imposed restriction?
Too many things happening at the same time and they don't match