Professional Asian American Network
fredrg | Tue, 02/09/2016 - 01:06
Brief from client
No brief from customer, just turned loose.

I figured I've give enough critiques over the years to warrant payback, a doctor heal thy self kind of thing. I didn't have any direction from the customer, but I knew there were to many different asian cultures (and clichés) for any kind of symbols.
Researching I found the unifying element to most all asian cultures was the bright colors used here. They show up in both modern and historical art, dress, architecture. I went for clean, classic and simple .
I also stayed away from maps and globes so I wouldn't venture into PanAm look-a-like territory. Here is how it will present on a dark background.
I'm digging this logo. And I like the thinking behind it.
Two things: maybe I'd try to make the subtext more discreet and have a version of the logo without it altogether.
I would have the arms of the As going from left to right, as per the sense of reading or the two facing each other, as if they were meeting in the middle.
Great job!
I tried the As a number of ways and thought the bars to the right had a forward motion that related to the professional organization moving forward (mentoring is one of their primary functions).
You and Kill suggest a more subtile subtext and normally I would agree, (if I had thought about this I would have included it on the brief). This logo is for an affinity group that is part of a larger corporation (120,000+ employees) and the majority of the time that it will be displayed will be in a grouping of a dozen or more other logos. It's a weird situation where they compete but also have to harmonize in a way, if that makes sense, so the name needs to be easily readable. The rest of the time it will be the usual stand alone on the web site, brochures, etc.
I really like the last iteration, without the arms.
But I get what you mean about the moving forward thing. It totally makes sense.
Oh man, that's a lot of colors! But it draws a lot of interest.
I'm not too crazy about the subtext, looks too cramped.
Good job overall!
The word you are looking for is butt-load of color. It definitely goes against what I usually preach about a good logo, that's kind of why I posted it. As a lesson to what some overlook in making a multi color logo is, does it work as a one color?
I think so, yes.
You could maybe even go as bold as to add gray "overlap" shapes, but that might make it too busy.
Love it