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Diseño Chile
Marjorie Reyes ... | Sat, 04/09/2016 - 23:20
Brief from client
Dynamic and Simple, Fast, color red.
Service outsourcing / Freelance
Dynamic and Simple, Fast, color red.
Service outsourcing / Freelance.
Easy reading..
I like the idea but I would never be able to read this. I like the colors and I like the font choice but there just isn't enough of the characters visible, especially with the "s" since it is an atypical shape for an s. What does this look like with the rest of the letters still showing?
Not legible enough- but I honestly think it would be a great logo with all of the word showing. There is also an awful lot of space between name and subtext.
-the typography only gets a thumbs down because I can't read it- if I could see the whole word I'm betting it would be a big thumbs up!
the kerning of the main text look a little too much.
chile is a little too close from the main text.
and last remark, not sure what the main text is suppose to say :O
I like the idea but I would never be able to read this. I like the colors and I like the font choice but there just isn't enough of the characters visible, especially with the "s" since it is an atypical shape for an s. What does this look like with the rest of the letters still showing?
Not legible enough- but I honestly think it would be a great logo with all of the word showing. There is also an awful lot of space between name and subtext.
-the typography only gets a thumbs down because I can't read it- if I could see the whole word I'm betting it would be a big thumbs up!
Unreadable. Especially with what you did with the S.
Keep things simple.
Also, is "servicios outsourcing/freelance"part of the logo ?
Adding to what others have said, the "Chile" part is distracting and too close to the text.
the kerning of the main text look a little too much.
chile is a little too close from the main text.
and last remark, not sure what the main text is suppose to say :O