Real Estate Team
j.o.y | Wed, 05/18/2016 - 20:27
Brief from client
Create a new logo using existing elements from old logo. Red, white and blue color scheme. More modern and simple.

The former logo had a stylized version of a house with a ton of gradients, Circles with "hot" words around the logo, a drop down "sold sign" hanging from the words.......Very cluttered!
So I kept the stylized house replacing the gradients with a dimensional flat color design to make it more modern, and removed the cluttering elements. I used a somewhat stylized "location" icon as the name is "Home Finder Team."
I will post in comments an alternate version using a standard "location" icon. (as I am not sure which works better).
Thoughts, criticisms are welcome!
More recognizable standard "location" icon.....But is it too boring? Or is it better?
Neither versions really work well in my opinion. In version one, The shadow is too subtle and might as well be left out. In both versions, the house icon feels forced inside the pin icon. I would sketch some other options here.
The text doesn't work together. I don't think the italic text should be used outside of grammatical correctness, except for very rare cases.
Good luck!
Is the 'location" icon even a good idea? Or are you saying scrap the whole thing and start over?
I'm not saying to scrap it, since sometimes I believe even the most common imagery can be used in a clever way. However it woudn't be a bad idea to research other ideas and get more inspiration.
Have you tried a simple box with a triangle and chimney that you can house inside the marker without crowding the edges of the circle it sits in?
Yes and no- I guess I was initially trying to keep the style of their dimensional looking house. But I'm working on trying to keep some elements of the original house and fitting it in more like you have here. I'll post when I arrive at a good revision.
Thanks for your help!