Brands of the World™ an All Creative World site
Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.

My first logo

Brief from client 

I am a wannabe designer, I watched some tutorials and tried making a logo for my art social medias.

I thought I will get some great tips from professionals.


cooperads's picture
196 pencils

The fussy background doesn't help you at all. The font is outdated. There are so many awesome fonts out there! There are plenty of legitimate font sites out there. There doesn't seem to be enough value change, everything is pretty dark. Putting the outline around the font doesn't make it more readable, it clogs the spaces that would allow it to be readable and, as in the word art, the join lines are very distracting. Finally, since you are a pet artist, how about some real artwork? A pet artist logo screams to be hand drawn.

EadWardArt's picture

Thanks for the reply! I will try finding a nice font, and for real artwork, I couldn't figure a good idea. Maybe a simplistic cat face with text around it would work out?

EadWardArt's picture

What do you think of this?

EadWardArt's picture

With the cat

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

Not a fan. Again, color contrast is an issue. The Eadward script isn't so bad, although it is really retro, but using it all caps for art just doesn't work. Perhaps it is best to ask what kind of pet art you do. That wasn't described in your brief.

ErinsSonicYouth's picture
80 pencils

I don't mind your comment, but please don't recommend, especially for someone who doesn't know much about kerning, tracking, etc. That website is notorious for either having illegally obtained fonts or fonts with terrible kernings.

I'd rather you recommend,,, free fonts on Behance, or

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

You are correct, of course. I edited my post. Sorry.

Version history

  • Version 1

    • I No votes yet.
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    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.