Tree logo
artist33 | Wed, 02/07/2018 - 20:02
Brief from client
No client, just for practice. I'm 16 years old and I'm a beginner so I want real critique for my work.
No client, just for practice. I'm 16 years old and I'm a beginner so I want real critique for my work.
To be honest, you being only 16 years old and coming up with a really good logo is simply amazing!! Really nice job.
I don't really see anything wrong with this. It very well crafted, it's memorable, it just works. No need to add anything. I was gonna bitch about the tree being a bit off center but as you say, it would be static and boring.
It's all thumbs up all across the board for me.
Please do come back with more logos!
Thank you..I will!
My only critique is that I can very quickly tell you just copy and pasted those leaves.
This is a big no no in professional design, even though EVERYONE has done this before.
Just like you made the tree less static, you should make the leaves a bit more fluid and less samey samey to keep that flow going.
The tagline should also be a font that contrasts the title font. This will create an even better balance with your logo. For example, since you're using a serif italic font for the Title, use a sans serif non italic for the tagline.
Other than that, this is very clean work, your color palette is very pretty,
I really appreciate your critique. I will try to follow your advice. Thanks!
I will save time and just say I agree with everything said above. You clearly have a knack for this already- definitely keep at it!!! =)
Thank you!!
It's very good, maybe another font could work better. The colors are very well chosen. Congrats! Keep uploading more!
Thank you so much!
I'm wondering why the choice of fall colors for the leaves.
There can be tons of "marketing science" you could say behind this. Such as fall will go to winter, then spring, offering a new beginning.
Then there is the color theory, websearch "color psychology. This is from the first link I got. So, I am thinking since it will be for a new business, you may want to go with the spring/summer colors. For fresh, Healthy, Growth, etc. See below.
It is a nice looking tree, yet I do agree with ErinSonicYouth on the leaves,
you need more differentiation.
There are plenty of tools in illustrator you can use to easily tweak rather than starting over. You have 28 leaves so you could even make a set of 7 leaves and rearrange it 4 times!
"Green is the color of nature and health. It represents growth, nature, money, fertility and safety. Green is a relaxing color that is easy on the eye and has a healing power to it. It is often used to represent anything having to do with health. Many pharmaceutical and nutritional companies use green in their logos and material to advertise safe natural products. Dark green is commonly associated with the military, money, finance, and banking. However it can also be associated with being new or inexperienced as being green or a “green horn”. Green is becoming a very popular color in design for web sites.
Read more:"
Thank you, I will read and try with some other colors.
Hi Artist33, could I use this design?