GG Design
lggarrido | Thu, 04/05/2012 - 15:04
Brief from client
My on logo
The "GG" comes from Gustavo Garrido, my name.

I tried using that Oxyd told me about the colors and those are the colors that have meaning to me.
Red shows energy, strength, enthusiasm.
Orange shows vibrancy, vitality, balance, justice, flamboyance, attraction, endurance, steadfastness, fascination, determination, creativity.
I also tried to correct the height of the "G" sea center of the bar "E".
Please know what you think.
Good work on the corrections to the symbol design. It looks much more refined than the first versions. The treatment on the "design" type, looks a little forced. The two colors together are very bold, almost too bold on a white background (like mustard and blood). If you're passionate about these colors, why not try darkening them a bit.
I don't know exactly why, red & orange with the rounded shapes make me think to "Burger King"...
Garrido i like it. Ok the problem is the color... but if everybody likes yellow.. what about the other colors??? ehehehhe If the colors have some meaning for you keep them. Good job!
Ya, the colours is still a an issue for me as well. I always seem to look at it as a printer first and designer second. This is currently a 3 colour logo. Which is basically the same cost as a full colour logo. You're your own client, if you're prepared to get full stationery printed (biz cards, letterhead, envelope, etc.), you're going to pay much more than you need to. Make the entire logo 2 colour and repost.
I agree I think everything is Great the only thing is the colors if your passionate about them.. there you go! Here a couple quick color combinations i thought looked cool.. I would suggest keeping it 2-color with "shades" of the other colors.
colors can use some changing. other than that good work. just work on the colors to work with each other. like steve said about the shades