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Las Vegas Aces

Brief from client 

Same as on the other version.

Same as before with an addition of vegas gold, as team ownership has decided to go with that color scheme.


xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

No, this is even worse actually.

Now, if you kept the original spade shape and added the middle line for the A as negative space, as you have here, it might be better. But using two different outer shapes is a step in the wrong direction.

stavengard's picture
71 pencils

Like that ? Sorry, but " A " is not clearly visible.

Waffles's picture
233 pencils

There is an A there, but it is subtle. It could work.

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

No, indeed not.

You might have to go further than simply adding negative space to a spade. Think outside the box more, and come up with something more indicative of a sports team logo. Sports logos are much more flashy than this.

paintedjeff's picture
30 pencils

have you tried just cutting out a white triangle of a spade for negative space? This version just sin't working.

Waffles's picture
233 pencils

Have you considered the other aces?

Because a hockey team with a heart logo and pink and white colours might make me actually watch hockey.

Version history

  • Version 1

    • I 50%
    • S 50%
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.