Kenya Bankers Association
Logo details
Brand Promise:
“Empowering the banking sector through leadership & advocacy”
The brand promise is an articulation of what the target customers expect
from their renewed experience with Kenya Bankers Association. The brand
promise must reside at heart of the organization and radiate outward to
capture both the association's goals and consumer need.
The primary customer identified as bank customers and banking public.
Brand Attributes:
We personified the brand as a mature, successful, family person. The salient brand attributes from this
characterization are:
KBA is an established body with years of experience and is therefore seen as the wise counsel in
financial and banking matters.
The association takes leadership in banking and financial matters and as the voice of Kenyan banking
KBA is a respected organization.
To connect with the stakeholders the association is accessible and approachable.
GREY is the color of intellect, knowledge, and wisdom*
We choose this hue to reinforce the brand attributes; Knowledgeable and Authoritative.
ORANGE encourages socialization*
Orange is known to encourage socialization because it radiates warmth.
Orange attributes KBA as an approachable brand.
The combination of the hues, with Grey as the dominant colour, communicates a professional,
knowledgeable and approachable association. Where the primary client, in this case the banking
public will relate to the association, as well as the 43 member banks.
Positioning Statement:
Standing together in a shared vision as one industry with one voice
Strap line/Tag line:
One Industry. Transforming Kenya.
Guiding Principles
• Facilitate change in the banking and financial industry
• Promote development of the banking and financial systems
• Foster cooperation among member banks to build community throughout the banking industry
• Project a good public image of the banking industry and develop good public relations
- Client's Website:
- Uploaded by:
- 3xpose
- Uploaded on:
- Tue, 07/17/2012 - 07:23
- Vector file:
Designer info

- Designer(s):
- Jesse Ndaiga
- Designer's Company:
- Designer's Website:
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