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1xraak | Mon, 05/18/2015 - 11:25
Brief from client
I am a student, i follow the course media design.Outside of school I have my own business
What I want to radiate with this logo : Young and modern
There's something interesting with this logo. But:
Why the five stars? And why stars? And why five? Did you win something five time?
That white X on the 1 and R. Are you Scottish? =) It doesn't look bad, but I wonder if it's really needed.
Watch out, the 1 isn't perfectly aligned with the R.
The kerning needs to be fixed (the space between individual characters) Have you altered the font? The left leg of the R looks too large and the A's looks weird. What you've done with the K is interesting, but it's another idea going on, on top of the other two (the stars and the X). Keep things simple: stick to one symbol, 1 main font and 1 complimenting font for the subtext?
About the subtext: why repeat your name? You already have it right above.
You're onto something with this, but you need to spend a bit more time on it.
There's something interesting with this logo. But:
Why the five stars? And why stars? And why five? Did you win something five time?
That white X on the 1 and R. Are you Scottish? =) It doesn't look bad, but I wonder if it's really needed.
Watch out, the 1 isn't perfectly aligned with the R.
The kerning needs to be fixed (the space between individual characters) Have you altered the font? The left leg of the R looks too large and the A's looks weird. What you've done with the K is interesting, but it's another idea going on, on top of the other two (the stars and the X). Keep things simple: stick to one symbol, 1 main font and 1 complimenting font for the subtext?
About the subtext: why repeat your name? You already have it right above.
You're onto something with this, but you need to spend a bit more time on it.
Keep it up!
Interesting indeed. Do you have a new version?