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7 Nights

Brief from client 

Logo for personal use as a freelance designer

This is the first logo for myself. I'm starting a new journey as a freelance Designer. Obviously, fist thing first, I need to do a logo for myself. So... Here.

Seven Nights has a personal meaning to me. I used/do roleplay on Facebook as a character with a japanese name (Nanaya). Nanaya japanese character can be translated as Seven Night so... Yeah.

I'm not sure about the colors and the pay-off. the color of the pay-off is too strong, isn't it?

This is all, hope you guys can give me a good critique, thanks!


JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

In it's current form I get more of a travel agency vibe. I also don't have any clue what the tagline means. Nothing about this suggests designer to me, unfortunately. Have you sketched any ideas or did you go straight to your computer? Spend some time sketching around and put some time into this one. It is, after all, to be your professional identity. Best of luck to you.

Shiki Nanaya's picture

I had more like the idea of it being mislead as a night club logo.... Why Travel Agency? care to give me a more specific description? The tagline.... You mean the pay-off? Yeah, I'm not sure about that either....

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

7 Nights, sky blue colors, italicized like you're in motion going somewhere. I've never heard the term payoff used before but I think you would benefit from something that is shorter and more to the point. It doesn't label you clearly as a designer, at least not in English. Cheers from Florida, by the way. Where in the world do you hail from?

Shiki Nanaya's picture

I hail Italy! Or rather, as many brand us " PASTA, PIZZA and Mandolino!"
Yes, the colors, I see now what you mean. Payoff is what I saw that the phrase that accopanies the logo is, so it is written on the net >.<;
Shorter huh.... Yes, I need to work on that. I'll see if I can get some other suggestion, than make a new version.
Thank you for giving me a bit of your time.

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

You're welcome. That's what we're all here for.

mahayni's picture
195 pencils

I agree with Jon, nither the name or the tagline suggests what you do. You need a tagline that is straight to the point. The overall look of the logo is not stricking, as a designer you need something that is more eye catching. Maybe try to use the seven in the place of the T.
I would also suggest you spend sometime sketching some ideas.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Buon giorno, my European brother.

Unfortunately, I can only agree with the comments above. This is not the end result you expect from a professional designer.

Maybe it's just me, but I read Night 7. Simply because the N is farther on the left that the 7. BTW, keep things simple. Putting the 7 right behind the i is gimmicky and serves no purpose. it only complicates things further.

And yes, that subtext makes no sense.

As I always do in this case, I strongly advise you to start your creative process with a good fix of inspiration. Check out and A Pinterest account is also a must have. I literally get an inpisration overdose on a daily basis, because of Pinterest.

Bonne chance!

Jon Askill's picture
52 pencils

'Slash your way with the design' is not the right message in my opinion. It brings to mind 'cutting corners' except slashing corners ;).

I agree with all of the above. I also think that even though it's good to be personal and have a bit of a story behind it, the name is so personal that it's obscure and doesn't apply to anyone other than the people on Facebook that you mentioned, and certainly not any potential client. Also, along with the 'slashing' tagline, the name just says 'done quickly' i.e in 7 days. I'd brainstorm the whole thing from scratch - name, tagline and logo.

Incidentally, i';d never heard the expression 'payoff' used in relation to 'tagline/strapline' until today. In fact i've seen it twice today in two places. Weird. I live and learn. Anyway, good luck and please post the new version here! :)

Shiki Nanaya's picture

I wonder, did you really find the colors being ok? Also, if I change the name, Should I post it as a new version here or do a new thread? Anyway, thanks for the advises.

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

If you keep it here it's really easy to go back and see the evolution of the logo because the different versions stay in the right hand side of the page. It's pretty neat seeing logos take shape the way some of them do on here. :-)

Shiki Nanaya's picture

The name would most probably change thou.... Oh well, I'll take your suggestion! see ya as soon as I get some actual brainstorming and ideas on guys! Thanks for the feedback!

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