Joe White | Sat, 06/08/2013 - 20:36
Brief from client
English Teaching logo
16-21 year olds
Brazil and Mexico
Personal, Friendly, Hand-made, Scrap-book, Early-adult.
(bear in mind it’s for Latino America, they are a year or so behind the times when it comes to design.)
welcome :) but whats the logo about? what do you mean 16-21 year olds Brazil and Mexico?
Thanks for the welcome! Its for an English teaching course in Brazil aimed at young adults.
it dont sound english neither brazilian. Dont sound like a cours. I was thinking that was some kids stuff logo
Was a little bit more from the client, aswell as examples of what there looking for. "Typographic within a holding shape, is probably what we’re looking for. Perhaps making the YOU emphasized? "
It will part of a sub-brand.
I would play with the colors of the 2 states to give the idea that this is a English course.(just an idea). is a english platform book (or something like that) named so, or is the company/organization name?
(cant express my selfe better in english, hope im being understanding :P)
I like this one, but another speech bubble logo?
Another? You mean cos there has been a few from other members?
I mean 'cause there's loads of them everywhere! :D
I think this is executed nicely