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Al's Studio
spinnacer | Fri, 05/31/2013 - 19:14
Brief from client
A gift for my best friend :)
i removed the S of studio un make one word couse i dont like that space between to words and let intending that te S is for Al's but also for Studio...What do you think?
I like it very much the meaning is obvious. It would be perfect if Al´ were in the main symbol but really dont know how to do it, It would ruin it. Good work
I like it very much the meaning is obvious. It would be perfect if Al´ were in the main symbol but really dont know how to do it, It would ruin it. Good work
Thank you :)
Great job! Have you tried having the s inside the symbol as negative space instead of a white shape?
Let me try understand O_O. Are you saying like an empty space were the background shows up?
Exactly that! :D
Already done :)) its the final logo. I don't have putt it here. Looks perfect :)
nice touch with the symbol and the typography here :D
Thank you ;)