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Apple Pie Exports

Brief from client 

My client will be exporting commercial kitchen products to South America (where they supposedly love American products).

I submitted a few logo ideas and they chose this one; however, they asked if it could be brought to life. Any suggestions?


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Do you have a version of this logo without all these effects and gradients?

vickival's picture

Here is one of the pre-effect copies.

Here are my reasons for the effects I used:
Since the client will export commercial kitchen products, I was trying to make it look industrial (stainless steel effect) with an oven-look. The whole purpose of "Apple Pie" in the company name is they want to signify American because the South American customers love anything American.

hueroth's picture
247 pencils

Shawali suggested well (inserted in a question) to remove the effects, that would be a good step forward. If you want to go vintage the next one is simplify and remove some details, if you want to go modern then simplify and make it more abstract. Also change the font with something demibold italic vibrant caligraphic font of YOUR choice. This serif is boring as shi(r)t. One more thing....make one of the words bigger....I would go with Apple Pie bigger and exports smaller (nobody will be attracted by this word and it will eat your space and finally not so many stars unless they really mean something.

vickival's picture

Thanks for the suggestions. I used that font because to me it seemed very Americana, but I will maybe try going w/something more modern.

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

Also, the pie holes (phrasing ;-) ) are a little cockeyed. I would straighten them up so the pie doesn't look deformed. And it should go without saying but, did you build this in Illustrator before photoshopping it?

vickival's picture

I know I have a little clean up to do on the pie before submitting anything to the client again. I was wanting some input beforehand. Thanks!

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

My biggest suggestion to you is to go back to paper and then vector in black and white. If you don't think the logo looks good in it's baser form, you don't have a good logo. The analogy I like to use is, if you have a shitty cake but you throw some awesome frosting on it, you still have a shitty cake. Best of luck to you. This sounds like it could be a really cool project.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

There're better ways to give an industrial look to your logo. Using run off the mill effects from photoshop or illustrator is definitely not of them. You're better off using masks and transparency.

Also, the stars are a total overkill. Unless they have a particular significance, I would get rid of them. And I agree with Jon on the pie holes. Their lack of symmetry is a bit off putting..

vickival's picture

I appreciate all the feedback, but now I'm not sure what to do. The client loved the logo and had asked if there was a way I could give it a bit more life. The comments have been very helpful. I wish I would have asked for critique prior to sending to my client. I hadn't been on the site for a long time, and didn't know about all the help I could have gotten.

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

Man I hate when they respond with meaningless statements like: "give it more life" or "make it classy" or "be creative." It literally means nothing. lol

Now might be a good time to have a conversation with your client about what type of materials they plan on displaying their logo. Try envisioning embroidering this or, God forbid, trying screen print this on shirts. If the logo always hast to be full color the costs are going suck up a lot of budget. do some more sketching and designing and have an alternative idea to present. You might be able to wiggle out of this when you talk dollars and cents with them.

vickival's picture

thanks so much for your advice!

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