Australia brand symbol.
BUBLA | Wed, 08/12/2015 - 02:53
Brief from client
A proposal for Australian retail store.

Decide to use Aborigine traditional color scheme, same as on their national flag. Simply incorporated a shape of a continent into a boomerang. And , no worries, I spent hours on computer to copy a shape of Australia, no tracing was done - all pixels. This is only an idea for a future retail store with no name, yet.
At least say that you got inspired by Bariqo's post and that you came up with your own version. It's not totally plagiarism but don't insult our intelligence by making us believe you thought of this all by yourself and that it's just pure coïcindence you posted this just a few days after Bariqo did.
Tread very lightly, Félix, you are this close to getting banned for good.
Check with Cesar about this logo and you will see that I sent to him this logo way back before Bariqo posted his concept. You are so wrong this time, Charlie. This one has nothing to do with Bariqo at all. By, the way I sent my complaint to a site administrator and they are investigating you and other members about a war that you are sponsoring and harboring against me - so, wait a couple of days and they will be in touch with you. No place here for abuse, discrimination, antisemitism and humiliation.
Given your record of proven plagiarism, you got to admit that this post came at a very bad timing.
No matter what, you just proved, once gain, by your response that you still are unable to act as an adult. You are just a paranoïd who thinks the whole world gangs up against you while we're just calling you out on your immaturity and dishonesty. And your empty threats of a make-believe investigation by the site administrator don't impress me. Who do you think banned you the first two times, genius?
I personally think that you are a very troubled individual who needs to stay as far as possible from any type of on-line interactions. It's obviously very damaging for your mental health. The threatening mail you sent me a few weeks ago followed by shallow apologies after I told you to back off is just proof of that. And don't get me started on your ungratefulness after all these times I and (a few) others tried to help you.
You are now blocked from this site. Any new account you may create will be deleted. I won't delete your BUBLA account so there's a still a trace of your infamous posts and crazy comments. But as far as BotW is concerned, you are history.
Please now leave us alone and don't come back. If you won't do it for us, at least do it for you.
Amen! I was on the verge of never coming back to the site.
Check your email box.
Interesting. The map looks too rough and maybe you can use the boomerang itself to construct the map of Australia at least the upper and the rest will make sense.
Is the retail about Aboriginal art?
He's banned now, apparently.
If there is anyone who thinks that I shouldn't have blocked Félix (I don't think there is though), here is the mail he sent me today.
"Now that I checked a comment that you left on my boomerang post - you're the one that deleted my two accounts, well, make it three now. I knew it all along that it was you.Versus you - I'm gifted with a brain. I work and finished my boomerang logo in the beginning of July and didn't want to post it on a site right away. Then , as you know by now, I sent that to Cesar for an opinion.
I feel sorry for you, Charlie - I really do... You have no idea how you diminished and degrade yourself with your attitude against me. No worries, as my boomerang will come back and hit you hard - the timing of my post is perfect in that regard.
You're went so low in my eyes, lower that a base board. I can forward to you my minute by minute conversation with a live chat person earlier today and you'll see that I'm serious about the investigation that I started against you and other members -but you don't deserve that. I'm talented and better than you're in every category - you're a miserable loser coming from a horrible family with a child abuse issues and it shows in your attitude and words that you used in your commentaries.
I'm a proud Jew versus a miserable Gentile as you're who took a Yiddish fake name Putz. My goal now is to show you how the laws working in United States of America against abusers as you are. You're nothing - but a COWARD hiding behind a monitor. Judgement against you is coming. The main difference between me and you is that I have a heart and soul and you don't, besides being a better artist.
Having told him to sit back and watch and learn a couple of times, I'm probably one of the "other members" in the cabal to discredit Felix (at one time he referred to me as "enemy number 1"). I've been a member here for just a month shy of five years, and a designer for over 30. I participate here and a couple of other forums in spurts here and there when free time allows and I've never interacted with such a whack job before. He had moments of skill and even humanity but it was far outweighed by arrogance and how unaware he is of his lack of experience, I cringed every time this school bus driver handed out misguided advice to an aspiring designer. Charlie I think you showed much more restraint than I would have if I had control of the you're outta here button, here's to no more pretend "logo-for-a-business-with-my-friends-initials" posts.
And I'm not opposed to logos just for exercise for those starting out and trying to learn, just not six in a row half of which are not logos.
Felix if you are reading this go start a blog or Deviant Art account, it will suit you better.
This certainly confirms any suspicions I had.
*Raises a glass to other prime enemies everywhere*
Amazing! I've been away a long time due to the amount of work that I have and I see that many things have happened which I'm surprised.
And to make things clear, I wasn't a moderator yet when he got his ass banned the first time. When he was blocked a few weeks ago, I was the one who asked the admin to unblock him.
And yes my last name is Putz, but it's not yiddish =)
He lost it. No need to get personal and all worked out. The site is about criticism, objective suggestion and personal preferences.
You have to remain calm and open minded.