Brands of the World™ an All Creative World site
Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.

Band logo project

Brief from client 

So for a project I was told to come up with a band name if the band were to play only songs about your life. I came up with the name Allergic to Love because my entire life I have been allergic to cats, dogs, trees, and grass. Now I am deciding between 4 similar logos. And yes, I know the cracks in the heart are bad, i'm going to work more on those once I have a logo picked out.

All information is in the brief


JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

I'm not sure what we're supposed to say here. You've uploaded 5 logos that are basically identical and are telling us the you have to fix the cracks. Since these are all basically the same I would say to work out the details you already see flaws in and re-present that version. With the current crop, we're basically just picking between a black or brown drumstick and whether or not to have the distressed look.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

100% agree with Jon.

You posted 5 times the same logo. The only slight differences being cosmetic only. You didn't need to create 5 threads, taking some much needed real estate on the Critique section.

What you can do is keep this thread and upload the different variations on a single image in the comment section.

Once you've done that, I will delete the other threads.


Version history

  • Version 1

    • I 100%
    • S No votes yet.
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.