Bar Bistro Hubér
Mediagroep Venlo | Fri, 05/31/2013 - 20:31
Brief from client
For a Bar-Bistro I made a logo based on a key figure in the company story... Hubér.

For a Bar-Bistro I made a logo based on a key figure in the company's story... Hubér. Hubér was a former cook in the army and travelled all over the world bringing back all kind off delicious recipies. His recepies are on the menu with unique stories.
His career went over a period from the 40's to the 70's and all off his pictures are perished... faded
The background is used in the website ( I'm building, in the menu and on the walls...
Make the symbol smaller, the line of the text from down up, remove the background, it confuse.
The background is an element that shows up when used in the etablishement. The logo is apart of it. I used it for illustrating the logo in its 'normal environment'.
I don't agree on the place for the signature. In my opinion a signature is mostly beneath text or graphic elements. But that's my opninion :-)
Thanks for the feedback!
I was talking for the line sign, its psychological, if you make it curved from down up give a positive impact to the main text, if it like yours curved from up down a negative one, it the first theory we graphic designer study :) and the symbol I still thing must be smaller to be mor compatible to see with the main text (like the peroni beer), and if the background its his normal environment I don't like it. To present a logo u must put it just in a neutral dark/clear background, than later if u make a complete guideline of the logo u show different background used logo :)
ur welcome :)
I like the idea and the treatment. the type is nice, looks like a signature.
But are you going to use the background as a graphic device or as apart of the logo? I don't think you want to limit yourself to this box.
The background is apart of the logo... on a white background the font will be 'brown'. The background is that of the wallpaper in the Bar-Bistro...
Thanks for your comment!