Brief from client
The business is being marketed as making ultra high-end, boutique, leather guitar and bass straps. Claimed as the highest quality straps in the world, they are made out of the most expensive durable leather available: English Bridal leather
First draft for a very fun project.
Few extra images and variations.
i do like this Joe, but think you've got one or two, too many fonts, also Skilled craftsmen its a bit to small, its hard to read. Great start though! i Probably like the small moss coloured one the best that just reads Bisson Boa
I was going to upload the simplified version as the main image. But also wanted to show off the snake skin texture. Which can be included in the smaller version.
The built up text version of course, less of a logo and more of an advertish..
The smaller version will be embossed into leather, so the small texts wont be used there at all.
The logo are really good, but I think that can exist a conflict with the typography of the word "BISON", breaks lightly with the other elements.
Don't you get tired with all that awesomeness? =)
More seriously, I love it. I especially like that snake texture, which is spot on.
I have no problem with the so called "too many fonts" problem. Haymaker, Thirsty and Franchise work really well together.
Here's my two concerns about this great logo, however:
1) The horns doesn't flow very well with the warp effect you applied on "bison". Maybe they are a bit too big compared to the thickness of the word they're stuck too.
2) I love the whole vintage style, that's no surprise =), but it feels very American/Texan to me, especially with Haymaker, and the "100% English" bit kinda contradicts that a bit.
No biggy, though, I wouldn't change the whole thing, it looks already killer.
nice work!
Love the style, textures, fonts. The only thing that worries me as it feels to American as Shawali said. If thats the look you wanted then great but if not I would drop the 100% British leather bit, or bring in a Union Jack or lion.
maybe the horns inBison are a little too straight. I´ve seen other has already tell there´s something a little bit odd about it. for me they would look better alittle bit more curled up but you will have to decide that. as for the rest of it I like it a lot!!!!