Blitz Logo
Brief from client
Health communication company that promotes dialogue among medical professionals where the discussion is key to shaping opinions and creating educational opportunities.
Want to stand out from all the health logos that are blue/muted.
Want to convey that we've been around for 25 years but that we are current/modern providers.
client wants speech bubbles, likes multi-color.
picked a geometric font with retro feel but used 2 weights to give some weight to health while letting Blitz seem more agile. The logo uses strong contrast while playing on overlaps and transparency without true color transparency. Speech bubbles are a direct tie to the request.
actually having trouble with a tagline font that is both different but doesn't compete with the main "Blitz"
I really like the fonts you have chosen. Personally I find the mark to be a bit cluttered and I would love to see it with a few less colors. Right now it looks like it has 4-5 with varying tints or transparencies? I think it would look a lot better with 2-3
Just JNF Design said - try to keep it with two talk bubbles and two compatible colors.
Too many colors, shapes and fonts. This logo needs to be drastically simplified.