Blue Sky Deliveries
envoca | Fri, 06/07/2013 - 02:04
Brief from client
Same client from Star Deliveries, but since the name of the company has not yet been chosen, here's another option for this moving company.

The air ballon means an alternative way of transportation, tough the company operates on the ground, the client will forget about any trouble whit the logistics. The baby elephant mens the company itself. Young, but having fun at what they do, and in the future intended to become a powerful and smart animal.
Good and funny idea!
The symbol isn't totally bad, but it's a bit too complicated for my taste. Try maybe to simplify it, to end up with simple shapes, but clear enough enough so we understand it's an elephant in a hot air balloon.
Also, while I have no beef with the main font, the subtext doesn't really gel with it. I'd try some alternatives.
Good luck!