Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.
no background for logos, anyway you got too much colors there so is not ok. Something bolder for the font, the same font but not so skinny, the symbol of the cookie must be refined.
The logo isn't w/ background, and "Brigadeiro" is not a cookie, Brigadeiro is a traditional "candy" in Brazil. I will try a bolder font, my boss told me to use Lobster, we tried but this one look nicer acording the briefing.
Vo puxar um pouco para o pastel sim, realmente acho que vai ficar melhor, obrigado pela dica ;) o unico pedido é que continue azul, pois muitos homens não comprariam brigadeiros com a embalagem rosa ou vermelho, e o dono pedio para ser alguma coisa puxada para o azul
no background for logos, anyway you got too much colors there so is not ok. Something bolder for the font, the same font but not so skinny, the symbol of the cookie must be refined.
The logo isn't w/ background, and "Brigadeiro" is not a cookie, Brigadeiro is a traditional "candy" in Brazil. I will try a bolder font, my boss told me to use Lobster, we tried but this one look nicer acording the briefing.
Primeiro você tem que me tirar uma dúvida. Esse fundo listrado faz parte da logo?
Não, o fundo não faz parte do logo
Eu gostei, só não fiquei fan da cor. Porque vc não tenta um tom mais pastel?
Vo puxar um pouco para o pastel sim, realmente acho que vai ficar melhor, obrigado pela dica ;) o unico pedido é que continue azul, pois muitos homens não comprariam brigadeiros com a embalagem rosa ou vermelho, e o dono pedio para ser alguma coisa puxada para o azul
I think your symbol needs a bit of work, the font is ok not great. more of a label n not a logo. and is that a cupcake in the top?
Its a "BRIGADEIRO" a tradicional sweet in Brazil, made of chocolate.
I like it. It's cute logo.