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Brendan Lloyd Personal Work

Brief from client 

Just some personal practice with hand written typography


Stephen Fitzgerald's picture
405 pencils

Looks pretty sweet to me! I would make the space between the 3 & / on the B so it "beefs it up more. great job! :)

BrendanLloydDesign's picture
35 pencils

Thanks! and I'm not sure what you're saying. Tighten the space? or increase it

BrendanLloydDesign's picture
35 pencils

Ribbon with shadow

M@'s picture
345 pencils

i love this version! the shadows i think look really cool and add a 3D look and feel to the whole thing, id usually say that the letters would look more natural and better if all parts of them weren't the same weight but in this case i think it works as a single stroke. great job!

All these recent personal logos has made me think about doing one for myself but im happy with the m@ symbol i have :)

BrendanLloydDesign's picture
35 pencils

Thanks so much! This really means a lot to me. And yeah, I enjoy the matt symbol you have, I've always thought it's clever. "m... @.... Aha! Matt!" I always think of it, memorable and well designed.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Ok here's the thing. I think you wrote it more than you drew it.

That's the main thing I discovered since I got into hand lettering. You don't write characters as much as you draw them. That's a fundamental nuance, I think. And it can be a pretty tough thing to do, a bit like looking at words without reading them =) You realize there are some much stuffs to take into consideration when hand lettering, it can be a bit frightening.

I like the ligatures with the O and the two Ls.

Keep it up!

BrendanLloydDesign's picture
35 pencils

I think I see what you're saying. I will take this consideration as I work on more character based/hand lettering logos. I still think for now that I'll use this as my personal logo though, since I'm having such a difficult time trying to find a symbol to represent myself. Thanks a lot Shawali! :D

alphaecklund's picture
3 pencils

love this man!!

BrendanLloydDesign's picture
35 pencils

Thank you very much!

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