Brief from client
Simple, clean, professional.
It's been awhile, but I've decided to revisit my personal brand logo. I want it to have a simple, clean, and professional look. Nothing too fancy. This is the first revision of the personal brand, which I pulled inspiration from Tom Whalen. I have other versions I'll upload without the stroke.
the main line is ok but i would adjust some things like removing the outline and and keep just the solid colors of the face. also i would go more minimal, like keeping the main expression and anatomy of the face and remove things like eyebrows , hair shine up there and so on, more abstract....
Gotcha. Something along these lines?
the 4th is the best. Also try to push towards the cheeks and the bones of the eyes that shade to put a little more expression on the face.
Completely agree, is this more along the lines of what you mean?
would go with 5th but i would keep the cheek shade from the previous 4th . Great job!!!
Number 4 is the best.
Also, how will it behave in black & white, in shades of grey, on a black or colored background?
I think it works fairly well across various backgrounds, the only one I'd be worried about it black, since the darker brown might blend into the background a little bit. What do you think?
@Hueroth, more variations! And thanks! I still feel as though I'm never done with personal branding.
i like 1st very much but some of us may think it a bit to complicated.... the 2nd would also be a good choice and all of them look good....i guess is up to you now... nicely done!