Burda Gaming
Phrontist | Wed, 02/04/2015 - 15:24
Brief from client
Not applicable in this instance.
I'm working on creating/developing an online video gaming community. My partner and I seem to have very different design tastes. Let's just say I'm not fond of the logo he had someone create, so I'm looking to provide an alternative.
My main goals with this design were to create something simple, clean, easily recognizable, and original. I also tried to keep in mind that it needs to be easily resizable, work in monochrome, and work on both light and dark backgrounds.
All feedback, suggestions, and criticisms are not only welcome, but greatly appreciated as well.
This is the logo my partner wants to use.
Who made this? 1987?
My logo with text version on a dark background.
My logo with text version on a light background.
You were right to choose something different over the one he has, but I think yours needs a bit of work as well, although you're on to something neat here.
First off, before I clicked on this design I wasn't sure what the shape was supposed to represent. It wasn't until after I saw the next few posts that I realized it was a sideways lowercase B and G. This could be problematic, unless you make the "Burda Gaming" more prominent. I would advise against hiding it in the line. It's better to tuck it underneath the logomark.
Second, I wonder if turning it vertically would help make the B and G more recognizable. At the moment they look more like lightbulbs peeking out or something. It's an interesting shape, in any case. I think the idea works.
I think the proportion is way off. The text is so small in relation to the icon. I think you would have real problems using this on a business card, for example. The test would end up really small. The icon puzzles me a little bit. I see the letter b laying in it's side and I possibly see a g somewhere in there. Just not certain this works. But I truly dislike the one you're trying to replace, so this effort will be well worth it.
What you have done is miles better than the other one!
I really like the symbol and the typography. But the layout/composition that you have done is not good.
I agree with Killswitch about possibly turning the symbol vertically. That way you will see the b/g a lot easier. The text has to be bigger.. i would make the symbol smaller than the text and place the text either underneath or next to the symbol.
This is a great start, just play around with different layouts and sizes of text Vs symbol and you start to see it come together better.
Look forward to seeing he revisions!
Your partner's logo sucks balls. Yours is 1000% better. I agree with Shawali, and Killswitch beat me to it... I'd definitely rotate the symbol - possibly even just 45 degrees clockwise might do it.
Thanks for agreeing with me, but I didn't say anything =)
LOL.. were you not whispering?
Thank you so much! Just uploaded a new version taking your feedback into consideration.