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Camen Orchestra Logo

Brief from client 

Incorporate music elements

This is a logo i made for an orchestra group. I'm not very sure what "camen" means; the client didn't give any detail on what i meant. The logo is supposed to be a "C" with some violin components put into it. I changed the typeface to a simpler one, as suggested.


cooperads's picture
196 pencils

I see the elements of musicality in the symbol. I am not wild about your font choice for Camen. It is a little too fluffy for my taste and takes away from the symbol. See what others think. I think you need work on font choices, but I like the symbol.

joekraus's picture

I see the the iconis "C" as inspired. However, I agree that something this stylistically unique demands a simpler accompanying text solution. Simplify that and I'm betting you'll have a successful mark.

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

I would lighten the weight of camen just a bit. You don't want it to fight with the symbol. Think of it as heavy medium light in descending order. This font looks much better than the first.

EdgarSacadura's picture
9 pencils

I do like it. The symbol gives the right feeling of musicality. Although the type could work better with another font, I don´t have a problem with the current choice.


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

It's to be noted that the OP changed the font. It wasn't this one originally.

And the new one looks already a hundred times better.

EdgarSacadura's picture
9 pencils

Thanks for that! Now makes more sense :D

Version history

  • Version 1

    • I 100%
    • S 100%
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.