Casa Nova Redesign
JardsonJean | Thu, 08/25/2016 - 17:05
Brief from client
This is an experimental redesign of Casa Nova's logo, a gay dance club in Brazil. Casa Nova stands for "new house", not the musical genre just a play with words. The main inspiration for the original logo comes from Marie Antoniette (2006 movie) and uses a crown as a symbol and some custom font (
I think this is great! would love to see a colour version
Thx. I am not sure on how to colour it yet, but it will to me come eventually. I am very proud of this work.
Tso good!
I quite like this! I kind of wish the strokes could be slightly smaller in the disco ball as to see more of the detail, but that may not be feasible on smaller applications.
Good work!
Yeah, strokes on the disco ball are bound to stay thick. I think they look better the way they are. Good you liked it.