Child Foundation Logo Redesign
Brief from client
The logo needs to become the Tool for a Perfect Representation
of what we do. It has to be of the following:
- Simple, Bold
- Dynamic
- Enduring the test of time

This is a Personal Project that I created out of my intention to help the Foundation grow and reach more sponsors for children who need education.
As a Logo and Brand Designer, I noticed that the Child Foundation Logo needs a careful redesign so that it can be used in the next decade while maintaining the same values and attracting partners or sponsors.
In order to do that, we have to start with the most subtle tool of the business, and that begins with their Logo, followed by brand messaging and learning about the potential partners of the foundation to serve the right values to all who are part of the foundation.
Sorry I have no idea what I'm supposed to look at here.
I see two separate logos which are way too small.