Brands of the World™ an All Creative World site
Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.


Brief from client 

service provider dedicated to protect trademarks and copyrights against internet piracy

Logo for Web and Print


Stephen Fitzgerald's picture
405 pencils

its cool but why the box around the om?

Stephen Fitzgerald's picture
405 pencils

another fast idea incorporating the © symbol
also the tag line should be bigger if you have to scale your logo down, most likely it will be hard to read for some.

Comeso's picture

Like that one with the © symbol, I'll update soon the second version

2423media's picture
163 pencils

Yeah, I don't understand the placement of the box either. For me it makes the name harder to read. I also don't understand why "solutions" is a different shade than "copyright media"

Comeso's picture

hello :)

thanks for your feedback

I thought just "comeso" without a box would be too boring... and I tried to put the two main CI colors in this logo...

I'm not a professional designer but I hope I can design a good logo with your help.

geracao ideias's picture
269 pencils

I dont like the box... why dont you try something else? and a diferent font

geracao ideias's picture
269 pencils

Why dont you try something diferent?

Comeso's picture

It looks really nice but I think the seriousness will be lost with the pirat face...

geracao ideias's picture
269 pencils

that was just an idea ehehehehe, but i think that you have to make something that indicates what kind of business is.

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