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Brief from client 

Confectioneries: Ann's Homemade Pastries

I just play with it and came up with this result.


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

I see where you want to go with this and it could be a great logo, but I think you're not quiet there yet.

The main font isn't working for me. I think it doesn't work so well with a long word like "confectioneries". Keep the idea of having a cursive font, but try another one.

The font for "ann's homemade" is very good for a subtext, so you can keep it. The one for "pastries" is one font too many. Try to stick to 2 typefaces top, otherwise, you're just complicating things.

I'm not a fan of the colors you picked. At least not that fiery orange gradient, which doesn't really relate to pastries. Try to make do with the light yellow, dark brown and pink.

One thing I would try is to make the cake bigger so it pops out the circle. It would the general look an edge otherwise it would be just another circle with a ribbon over it type of logo. But that's just me.

Anyway, you're off to a good start and it could look awesome if you give it some more time.

Good luck!

erronsevilla's picture

Hello there Shawal! Thanks for the suggestions. I agree to some of your points. It really helped me. I'll upload as soon as possible the revision. Thanks a lot again.

And btw, I'm new to logo designing and I still needs to learn more about it.

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