Cornerstone Community Bible Church
Brief from client
We are re-working our 90's style logo with something that is simple and clean.

All- I took into consideration some of the stuff everyone said, or at least
what I could make of the comments.
Though not much, I felt a small amount of support for the text, but changed its composition slightly.
As for the logo, rather than just a characterized 'cornerstone', I have gone the route of symbolizing the '4 pillars' we operate by as a foundation as a church. Those are represented by the 4 column pieces, and then to add a little variation, I accented a cornerstone.
I know one person didn't think it came across as a 'church' logo, but I don't think it needs to. The goal is that it becomes a known symbol of a church in our surrounding communities after we increase our exposure.
Overall, I like it, but the problem that I have is the lines between blocks. Also the 'community bible church' text. You lose clarity on both when viewed from afar as they are too fine. You wouldn't be able to embroider this logo for example.
Needs more space between the elements.
You bring up a good point. This logo could use a little air. I mean, it would embroider but the satin stitches would probably pull those gaps together. You still get the column effect but not the spacing. The subtext is really tight to the main font as well. Open it up a little bit and re-post. Also, you'll need a vertical version as this is very long horizontally.
Thanks, guys. That is probably the best and actually constructive criticism I've ever received on here. I will try these ideas and come back later,