Corona Logo
kimuyu | Fri, 09/04/2015 - 12:42
Brief from client
Find a name for a solar generation company and design a good logo. The logo should be relevant to the business and portray the company as a big business that can be trusted.
Know what I would do? Arc the symbol above the text, and take the crown shape a step further. I'd say it's a clever idea worth exploiting even more. Right now, it's quite underwhelming, but I see potential.
Watch the kerning in the C/O. It seems a bit too close together.
Not crazy about the colors, maybe bring in that blue from the other versions.
Good luck!
Thank you for the feedback. I will take your advice and see whether there's improvement. I agree that its underwhelming.
As far as I'm concerned, this logo works fine as it is. It's simple, effective and elegant. Good job.
Typography looks good. Solid, but professional. Colors are fine. The symbol is very dated in my opinion. I like the idea of playing off of the horizon/sun burst and the crown all in the same symbol. Right now this is just so simplified that it looks like a generic swoosh logo from the late 90's early 2000's. Give it some more character or form or shape. Maybe go as detailed as possible then work backwards at simplifying it?
I like it
In agreement about the kerning between the C and the O. I like the idea of picking up the blue for the type. If the graphic is staying to the left, I'd suggest moving the second line of type and make it flush left with 'Corona'.
I might suggest a warmer yellow leaning toward orange; maybe a PMS 123...depends on the corporate colors for your client.
I can easily see this on the door of a truck. Looking good.