CS personal Logo
Carlo_5 | Thu, 01/11/2018 - 22:52
Brief from client
I am the client. This is my initials created from Two Cees. For Cee Ess
or CS.
I am the client. This is my initials created from Two Cees. For Cee Ess
or CS.
Sorry, but this is not working for me at all. It's way too simplistic. It feels like it's been done under 10 min, without much research and sketching beforehand.
Also, as a personal logo, it looks very stale. I don't feel any human touch to it. I like the fact that you didn't go for the ubiquitous and corporate symbol + word mark + subtext that every young designers out there feel they have to do.
I always advise to go for a simple yet very organic graphic signature, like a monogram. That's what you got here minus the organic part. This doesn't feel personal at all.
Also, unless you did legally register this logo, you don't need that Registered Trademark symbol. It's way too prominent anyway.
So my advice now is to go back to the drawing board, get a lot of inspiration from more seasoned designers and then turn off your computer and star sketching with pen and paper like crazy!
Keep it up!
Thanks for your input. Duly noted. As far as more seasoned designers I’ve been a professional in this business for long enough to know what I like and what I don’t as well as what conveys to a broad audience and what does not.
My goal was to simply combine my initials in one symbol made out of letters. That is used in super small digital spaces.
I have other versions which I will post for mere fun.
Yet, not that I expected high praise at all, this is totally not brain surgery or a revolutionary design.
Simplicity and legibility even for an idiot we’re the goal. Having been through many horrible and many good trends in design and art, bevel emboss, or copying Louie V, were not options.
I am not a huge fan of this. To me it feels like a concept and not a fully polished and finalized design. I agree with Shawali about it feeling stale. Even a simple adjustment with the width tool in illustrator could help improve this.
Definitely get rid of the registered trademark symbol.
The two blues are not working for me. I think because one is very saturated and the other isn't.
Alright, I'll probably just scrap the idea. Like I had mentioned it really was only for use as a little icon for email and other such areas.
I have some other concepts I had done. Yet, I'm not quite sure where they are.
But I'll take a look when I finish this package.
The other version I am referring two has the two letters overlapping and is in a completely different font. With no colors. just black or white on white or black. Let me see.
Thanks for the feedback dudes!
Wow, you just never know what you'll find when looking thru old folders.
Still looking for the overlap, but stumbled across this one and figured would post it for fun.
Let's see what else pops up......
This is old and I don't really remember what my thought process was at the time.
too bad!
Here's another - looks like it stemmed from the above. Although the fonts are different. I don't know why Activision is popping into my head. Still no overlap, mighta deleted it....
not finding what I am looking for but figured again for fun I would share this batch that I dug up.