CSI 5-Star Logo
clientservices | Wed, 05/09/2012 - 20:47
Brief from client
Consumer Awareness campaign that emphasizes our five-step commitment.

Challenge was to design and develop a logo that would best emphasize a new customer awareness campaign.
Starting with our "five-star" directive, we decided on a "seal" look where the logo would be added to any documentation from our Customer Awareness communications. We wanted to differentiate the logo from our corporate identity but stiil keep the same corporate color style. We went through five different ideas before we accepted the attached identity.
We will be emplementing our new campaign the Summer of 2012.
I seen the same style in many cliparts in the web... is too common that typography, try a combination of colors, add a little of black, work more on that ribon...
For me, it is nice, but it does not work.
if anyone can telefax the logo and read that little letters from larger distances - it will work.
i agree with you...